Better ways · Way better
Better ways · Way better

Newsletter March 2022

Hello, Fellow Freundin der Kastanie!

We live in stirring and challenging times. We have just begun to look forward to spring with more hope, because the Corona rules will loosen and many things will be possible again. But now we are faced with a war on our doorstep. And in your private or professional life you are also facing one or the other challenge. Then it is difficult to follow daily business and to take care of daily things. In some moments it might seem pointless to you to take care of your dissertation, the project proposal, laundry, your children’s homework or even the next celebration. How is it possible to deal with all your fears, anxieties, and constantly circling thoughts? Is it okay to go on with your daily life? Is it appropriate to have joy and laugh? Let’s talk about it: Tell us how you’re feeling and we’ll help you find a way off the thought carousel.

For the breaks in between we have picked out for you our most beautiful chestnuts in spring:

1. These Precious Days
It is a very personal collection of essays by Ann Pratchett about love, friendship, home, and writing. She writes about twists and turns in life that are often unpredictable, showing great insight into her thoughts and feelings.

2. Feminism is for everyone
A recommendation from us if you run out of arguments from time to time in the discussion about equal rights.

3. Wunderschön – a German movie directed by Karoline Herfurth

A must-see for every woman: Rarely laughed so much and cried so much in one film. Five women of different ages with their very own demands on being beautiful and being seen. A film without a cheesy happy ending, but one that doesn’t leave you sad either. But perhaps a little thoughtful.

Would you like to talk to us directly and discover more chestnuts together? We would love to hear from you, let’s find a time to talk.

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